Not ‘gifted’ enough

1 min readDec 6, 2020

During the past few months after I celebrated my twenty-first birthday, I have been thinking a lot.

Was I lied to?

Now that I’m practically an adult right now, I’d still hold on to childish fantasies and childish hobbies, childish thoughts, immature, and selfish. Am I really that person I was called to be years ago?

Mentioned as promising, gifted, talented. Yet I grew to be none of those things.

Was everything made too easy before to be hard today? I was made to feel like I was better at everyone, but today everyone works harder than me, gets smarter than me, is better than me. It feels like those words of encouragement before were all lies that made to boost my ego. Therefore making me lose focus in hard work and efficiency.

Maybe that is why I am pretty much alone, almost friendless, and is depressed.

